Test Excavation at Port Hope Conversion Facility

May 1, 2015

Port Hope - Excavation Test Location
Excavation Test Location

Cameco will begin work during the week of May 4 on a small scale test excavation at the Port Hope conversion facility (PHCF). The work will be conducted near the north-east corner of the facility and will involve two excavations in the same vicinity. The first will involve an area approximately two metres wide by five metres long and five metres deep. The second excavation will be three metres wide by nine metres long and up to five metres deep.

This project is part of the pre-work for Vision in Motion, Cameco's plan to clean up and renew the PHCF. The test excavation will help Cameco assess the most appropriate excavation methodology given the local geotechnical conditions. All aspects of the project will be conducted following Cameco's comprehensive safety, health, environment and quality policy.

All soil removed during the test excavation will be safely stored until it can be transferred to the low-level waste management facility being constructed by the Port Hope Area Initiative. Clean material will be used to backfill the test excavation when the project is finished.

Work on the test excavation will take place over a two week period and is not anticipated to have any impact beyond the facility's fence line.