Strong Safety Culture at Blind River Refinery Recognized

Blind River, June 24, 2016

Safety has always come first at the Blind River refinery and that culture has been recognized by Cameco as “first in class” across the company.

Earlier this week, employees at Blind River were presented with the Mary-Jean Mitchell Green (MJMG) Award, Cameco's top annual award for safety performance. The refinery also reached a remarkable milestone on June 20, when the plant achieved 10 years without a lost time incident.

“The safety culture you've developed is not driven by the recognition for milestones like this," said CEO Tim Gitzel, who was in Blind River to help present the award. "The culture is driven by a personal commitment each of you make not to get hurt and to make sure those around you don't get hurt either. I'm looking forward to seeing you continue this performance for years to come.”

The MJMG Award was created in memory of Mary-Jean Mitchell Green, one of Cameco's original board of directors, who was a champion of health and safety for industrial employees.

“To those on our Blind River team, I thank you for never taking safety for granted,” said Dale Clark, vice-president of Cameco’s Fuel Services Division. “You can be counted on to look out for your fellow coworkers at all times. Blind River employees continue to set an example across Cameco demonstrating what is possible when we stay vigilant and keep safety top of mind each and every day.”

Watch our video of the June 20 celebration: