Port Hope Conversion Facility – Extension of Temporary Harbour Water Supply
In 2020, the Port Hope Conversion Facility (PHCF) had been experiencing a buildup of algae and other debris on the cooling water intake screens at the west wall of the Port Hope harbour approach channel. To help mitigate the issue the PHCF had installed and operated temporary harbour water intake lines along the west wall of the Port Hope harbour approach channel within the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) harbour work zone enclosure bounded by a wave attenuator installation.
CNL is conducting work in the harbour as part of the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) project to clean up historic contamination in Port Hope. A single harbour water intake line will continue to be operated on an as-needed basis for the near term. Associated pumping equipment is positioned within the fence line of the PHCF and water is pumped to the south of the wave attenuator using an overland route, discharging within the existing PHCF cooling water intake screen structure immediately south of the CNL wave attenuator installation.
There is no impact to the public. The work will not interfere with navigation within the Port Hope harbour as navigation to the Port Hope harbour from Lake Ontario is currently prevented due to the CNL wave attenuator installation. A submission has been added to the on-line Common Project Search Registry (http://cps.canada.ca/) pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act. Reference is made to registry number 3808.
For more information please contact:
Sara Forsey
Manager, Public & Government Affairs