Innovation for Employees

Cameco Fuel Manufacturing (CFM) has once again received the Cameco Innovation Award. This year, various automation improvement projects at CFM were recognized for their contribution to improved material handling.

"Innovation is one of our core competencies," said chief operating officer Bob Steane at an award presentation held for employees at CFM on November 21.  "On behalf of Tim Gitzel, it's my pleasure to congratulate you, thank you, and present this to CFM," said Bob as he presented the award to CFM general manager Doug Jensen.

CFM Recipients of Innovation Award

"It's not an easy award to win," said Doug. "There's a lot of good innovations happening across the company."

CFM completed three big automation projects: tack and braze integration; powder preparation and pressing; and auto stacking. The various improvements made in these areas led to improved worker safety, ergonomics, and production throughput.

"If you look at the old processes that were aging and needed to be replaced and what they were replaced with, in all cases they got rid of a lot of repetitive movement," said Doug. "They got rid of a lot of employee exposure to dose and chemicals. All just great safety improvements to make the work life better for people that work here."