Blind River Polling Results 2021

Blind River Polling Results 2021

96% of residents are supportive of Cameco’s operations in Blind River


Residents of Blind River continue to show strong support for local Cameco operations. According to a recent public opinion survey, 96 per cent of residents are supportive of Cameco’s operations in Blind River and there is 100 per cent awareness of the facility.

“We are proud of the results because they reflect the hard work and dedication of our employees who are committed to safe and reliable operations,” said Terry Davis, general manager of Cameco’s Blind River Refinery. “We are grateful for the community support and we remain committed to maintaining that support by operating safely, investing in our community and sharing information about our operations and activities.”  

The Blind River Refinery has maintained strong community support since surveying first began in 2009. Prior to the 2021 survey, the last survey was conducted in 2018.

Additional 2021 survey highlights include:

  • 91% of respondents agree Cameco does everything possible to protect people and the environment.
  • Nearly all (97%) respondents are aware that Cameco invests in the Blind River area through sponsorships and other community initiatives.
  • When asked about their concerns with the Blind River Refinery, the large majority (84%) of respondents do not have any specific concerns.

The public opinion survey of 200 Blind River residents was conducted between February 24 and March 7, 2021 by a third-party consultant. Cameco conducts public opinion surveys to measure levels of awareness, support and trust in the community and to gauge the effectiveness of its communication and public engagement efforts. See the summary report for more details.