Cameco Fuel Manufacturing Port Hope 1 Year Licence Renewal

On February 17, 2022, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced that Cameco Fuel Manufacturing (CFM) in Port Hope has been granted a 1-year renewal of its Fuel Facility Operating Licence. The CNSC’s Record of Decision will be available in the near future, and you can read the news release here.

The renewed licence allows the facility to operate until February 28, 2023. Cameco purposely requested a 1-year licence renewal in order to put the licensing activities for CFM out of sequence with the licencing process for the Blind River Refinery, which was scheduled to occur at the same time. While awaiting the 1-year licence renewal, CFM applied to the CNSC on October 4, 2021, to renew the applied-for one-year licence, for a period of 20 years.

Cameco expects the 20-year licence renewal will be heard by the CNSC through a public hearing at some point late in 2022. This process is expected to include interventions and the CNSC’s Participant Funding Program will also be available. More information about this request is available on Cameco’s website.

For more information please contact:

Sara Forsey
Manager, Public & Government Affairs

CFM Presentation to Port Hope Municipal Council – June 1, 2021

On June 1, representatives from Cameco joined Port Hope Municipal Council to make a presentation regarding Cameco Fuel Manufacturing's request to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to renew its operating licence for one year.

To view a recording of this meeting, please visit the Municipality of Port Hope's Youtube channel.

Cameco Fuel Manufacturing (CFM) Port Hope holds a Class 1B Fuel Facility Operating (FFOL) Licence issued by Canada’s nuclear regulator, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). The current licence FFOL-3641.00/2022, issued on February 28, 2012 is valid until February 28, 2022.

On December 2, 2020, Cameco applied to the CNSC to renew its licence for a period of one year. We have requested a one-year licence renewal in order to strategically separate our CFM relicensing activities from our Blind River Refinery relicensing activities which are scheduled to occur at the same time. Making this change will put licensing proceedings out of phase and deliberately establish staggered licensing activities for the future. We are not requesting any changes to the existing terms and conditions of the current licence.

Cameco Fuel Manufacturing Port Hope has a long history of safe operations and has maintained strong operational and safety performance throughout the current licence period. Throughout this period:

  • Workers were safe and properly protected.
  • Cameco was in compliance with all applicable regulations and environmental releases were a fraction of the acceptable limits.
  • Cameco invested in the local community and provided financial support and resources to local organizations.

If you have any questions about the licence renewal process, please contact us at 1.905.800.2020 or

An application for a 20-year licence renewal was submitted to the CNSC on October 4, 2021. More information can be found here.

Key Dates

Intervention Deadline: November 16, 2021

CNSC’s Notice of Hearing in Writing
